How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

Creating a separate page for blog posts in WordPress is a useful way to organize your content. By doing this, you can keep your blog posts separate from your main website pages, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find the content they are looking for.

To set up a separate page for blog posts in WordPress, you can create a new page and assign it as the posts page in the settings. This simple step can help improve the overall user experience and make your website more user-friendly.

Method 1: Creating Separate Pages for Blog Posts in WordPress

Installing a Dedicated Blog Page with WordPress

Yet, this approach requires a bit more effort than Method 2 and doesn’t provide as much flexibility with customization.

Installing a Dedicated Blog Page and Page Types

To begin, you’ll have to set up two distinct pages on WordPress for your blog and your main website.

There’s no need to populate these pages initially, and you’re free to name them as you like. For instance, some websites opt for ‘News’ for their blog page.

Creating a New Blog and Main Page

After these pages are set up, head to the WordPress admin area’s ‘Settings’ section.

Look for ‘Reading Page’ and when you find it, click on ‘A static page’ link.

Next, choose the main and blog pages you created earlier. Then, click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Navigate to Your Pages » All Pages in WordPress Dashboard

On the ‘Pages’ screen, you’ll see the Home page is labeled ‘Front Page’ and the blog page is labeled ‘Posts Page’.

Click the ‘View’ button next to the blog page to see a preview.

The New Blog Page is Labeled ‘Posts Page’ and the Main Page is Labeled ‘Front Page’

The visuals of these pages will vary based on your WordPress theme, and you might want to adjust these settings accordingly.

For instance, if your theme comes with a built-in navigation menu, WordPress will automatically introduce your new blog and main pages. If not, you can refer to our guide on how to incorporate a navigation menu in WordPress.

Checking out Your New Blog Page

At this point, your new home page is empty. It’s time to fill it with information about your business, products, and services, and let your audience know how to get in touch.

You can find out how to do this in our article on creating a custom home page in WordPress. In Method 1, we demonstrate using the block editor to add cover images, columns, tables, text, media, galleries, and more.

Looking for creative ways to customize your WordPress home page? Our guide offers numerous tips and tricks to edit your WordPress home page with ease and efficiency.

Tailoring Your Blog Page

If you’re pleased with the look of your blog page, then you’re done here.

However, if you’re currently using a block-based theme, you also have the option to fine-tune your blog page by visiting the Appearance » Editor screen in the WordPress dashboard.

Method 2: Creating a Customized Page for Blog Posts With a Drag & Drop Builder

Customizing a blog page using a drag-and-drop builder offers a user-friendly approach to design. This method allows for easy rearranging of elements without needing coding skills.

It enables bloggers to create visually appealing layouts that align with their brand’s aesthetic effortlessly.

By using a drag-and-drop builder, bloggers can quickly experiment with different design elements, such as images, text boxes, buttons, and more,

to find the perfect combination that resonates with their audience. This flexibility not only saves time but also empowers bloggers to showcase their creativity and unique style in a cohesive and professional manner. How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

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