How to Create a Personal WordPress Blog?

Are you looking to kick off a WordPress blog from scratch? We understand that the idea of launching a blog can be daunting, particularly if you’re not tech-savvy. But don’t worry, you’re not the only one feeling this way.  How to Create a Personal WordPress Blog?

With experience assisting over 2 million users in setting up their blogs, we’ve decided to put together a comprehensive guide on how to get started with a blog for those without any coding experience.

In this detailed guide, we’ll take you through every step of the process. We’ll also cover how to maintain and expand your blog over time.

Creating a WordPress blog

The steps are straightforward, making it accessible for anyone, regardless of age. Should you need assistance, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you with your blog setup for free. → Click Here to Begin Your Free WordPress Blog Setup! ←

Step 1. Pick Your Blog Name and Platform

The most common error newbie bloggers make is selecting an inappropriate blogging platform. Luckily, you’re in the right place and won’t fall into this trap. For the vast majority of users, opting for, also referred to as self-hosted WordPress, is the smarter choice.

This is because WordPress is a free, open-source platform, allowing you to add plugins, tweak your blog’s appearance, and most importantly, earn money from your blog with no limitations (exploring the contrast between and

WordPress is also the top choice for all successful blogs, including ours. To put it into context, 43% of all websites online use WordPress!

You might be curious about why WordPress is offered for free. Is there a catch? There’s no catch. It’s free because you’re responsible for setting it up and hosting it yourself.

Simply put, you’ll need a domain name and web hosting.

A domain name is the URL people use to access your site. It’s your blog’s online address. Examples include or

Step 2. Install WordPress Blogging Software

By signing up with Bluehost through our provided link, they will automatically set up WordPress for you, allowing you to begin your blog creation process immediately.

To begin, simply access your Bluehost account and click on the Login to WordPress link to proceed.

If you’re utilizing a different WordPress hosting service such as SiteGround, Hostinger, WP Engine, etc., our detailed guide offers step-by-step instructions for installing WordPress on those platforms.

Many of the aforementioned hosting services now include automatic WordPress setup to assist users who are not tech-savvy in starting their blogging endeavors.

After WordPress is successfully installed, you’re prepared to design your blog pages, personalize your blog’s appearance, and begin writing your blog posts.

Step 3. Selecting Your WordPress Theme

The look of your WordPress blog is determined by the themes you choose. Upon first visiting your site, it might appear something like this:

This design isn’t particularly attractive to many visitors.

Modifying the appearance and style of your blog is arguably the most thrilling and gratifying aspect of setting up your WordPress blog. There are thousands of ready-to-use WordPress themes available for your site. Some are free, while others require a payment for premium themes.

To switch themes, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select Appearance » Themes.

Add a new WordPress theme

On the following page, you’ll find a selection of 11,000+ free WordPress themes in the official themes directory. You can sort by popularity, newest, block themes, or other criteria (like industry, layout, etc.).

Install the WordPress theme

After the theme is installed, the Install button will be replaced with an Activate button. Click on it to activate the theme.

Activate WordPress theme

After the theme is installed, you can personalize it by clicking on the Customize link under the Appearance menu.

Depending on the theme you’ve chosen, there will be pre-installed widgets and options for customization that allow you to adjust your blog’s design.

Theme Customizer in WordPress

Note: If the Customize link isn’t visible under the Appearance menu, it means you’re using a block theme. Block themes utilize the WordPress block editor for editing and customizing themes.

Step 4. Creating Your First Blog Post

To begin your journey with a blog post, select the Posts » Add New option from your WordPress dashboard. You’ll find a writing space where you can craft your initial blog entry.

Crafting a blog post

WordPress employs a block-based interface that enables you to design attractive layouts for your blog entries.

To get comfortable with this interface, check out our guide on the WordPress block editor.

After you’ve completed your entry, proceed to click the Publish button located at the top-right of the page to share your blog entry with the world. page builder 

Publishing a blog entry

On the posts area, you’ll discover additional features like Categories and Tags. These tools can help you structure your blog entries into different sections.

We offer an insightful piece on the contrast between categories and tags, which we strongly suggest you read.

To make the most of the posts area, please review our guide on how to create a new post in WordPress (with a video included).

This guide will walk you through embedding videos, adding blog images, headings, tables of contents, sub-headings, bullet lists, call-to-action buttons, social media posts, and all other necessary shortcuts.

Many newcomers find the difference between the Posts and Pages menus in the WordPress dashboard confusing. That’s why we’ve also prepared a detailed explanation on the distinction between posts vs pages in WordPress.

Step 5. Plugins & Customizations

After you’ve completed your initial blog post, you likely wish to begin incorporating other common components onto your site, like a contact form, photo galleries, slideshows, email subscriptions, discussion boards, etc.

To incorporate these extra functionalities, you’ll need to employ plugins.

Plugins function similarly to applications for your WordPress site. They enable you to introduce new functionalities to your site (without the need to code).

The WordPress plugin directory alone contains over 59,000+ free plugins. This indicates that for any goal you have, there’s a plugin available to help you achieve it.

Common Questions and Answers

After assisting numerous individuals in launching their blogs, we’ve addressed numerous inquiries. Here are the responses to the most commonly asked questions regarding the process of creating a blog.

Is it possible to create a blog without using WordPress?

Absolutely, there are a variety of other platforms for blogging. We’ve thoroughly evaluated them, and WordPress stands out as the top choice for creating a blog with full control and independence.

Can I develop a blog without having web hosting?

Unfortunately, it’s not feasible. Web hosting is essential as it’s where your website’s files are stored. Every website requires web hosting. To begin a blog, you’ll need to secure your own domain and web hosting.

Is there a cost involved in starting a blog on WordPress?

WordPress is free to use. However, you’ll be required to cover the costs of hosting and domain name. Alternatively, you can opt for a free blog on, while being aware of its limitations and how it differs from How to Create a Personal WordPress Blog?

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