Pakistani Freelancer Earned 1 Million from a single WordPress theme

Putting in effort and waiting for the right time consistently leads to success. If you excel in a particular area and remain concentrated, it’s inevitable that you’ll reach your objectives. This was the case for a Pakistani independent contractor,

who successfully made 1 Million US dollars from a single WordPress theme titled ‘Avada.’ The theme is available for purchase on the Themeforest Website, recognized as one of the premier platforms for acquiring website templates.

Avada - Pakistani Freelancer

The theme not only ranks highly in terms of sales but also boasts a commendable rating. Referring to the source:

“Haris began his journey as a freelance developer of WordPress themes and plugins. He then collaborated with a designer from the US, Luke Beck, to develop and sell WordPress themes on Themeforest. Together, they successfully launched a WordPress theme that achieved sales of over 30,000 units within a year.

Muhammad Haris on Earnistan reports that he has earned approximately a million US dollars from selling these WordPress themes. This is not the end of their journey. The theme continues to be displayed in the marketplace, allowing for multiple sales. Haris and his team also offer comprehensive support for the theme and regularly update it. The latest version of the theme was made available in May, 2013.

Just a few days ago, Odesk shared data indicating that Pakistan holds over 50% of the market share in the freelancers community, with the Pakistani freelancer community showing remarkable growth and progress.” Pakistani Freelancer Earned 1 Million from a single WordPress theme

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