Add a Coming Soon Page to WordPress

Launching a new website is exciting, but it can also be daunting. You want to create buzz and anticipation without revealing everything just yet. This is where a Coming Soon page becomes your best friend. It’s the perfect way to let visitors know something great is on the horizon while giving you time to fine-tune your site. Add a Coming Soon Page to WordPress Add a Coming Soon Page to WordPress

Imagine unveiling an eye-catching design that captures attention and builds excitement for what’s to come. A well-crafted Coming Soon page sets the stage for your brand’s story and invites users into your world before you’ve even launched.

Ready to learn how to add a coming soon page to WordPress? Let’s dive in and transform that blank canvas into something captivating!

What is a Coming Soon Page?

Create Coming Soon Pages in WordPress Using Elementor & Elementskits |  #elementor #tutorials

A Coming Soon page serves as a placeholder for your website. It informs visitors that something exciting is on the way. This simple yet effective tool generates interest before your full site goes live.

Typically, these pages feature essential information like a brief introduction to your brand and contact details. You can also include social media links, enabling potential customers to connect with you early on.

Visual appeal is crucial; an attractive design helps create momentum. Many businesses use captivating images or engaging graphics to leave a lasting impression.

Additionally, it’s common practice to incorporate email sign-up forms. This allows you to collect leads and keep interested parties updated when the site launches. With all this in mind, a Coming Soon page serves not just as an announcement but also as a powerful marketing strategy right from the start.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Coming Soon Page on WordPress

Adding a coming soon page to your WordPress site is straightforward. Start by logging into your WordPress dashboard.

Next, navigate to the “Plugins” section. Search for a popular plugin like SeedProd or Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by WPBeginner. Install and activate it.

Once activated, find the plugin settings in the dashboard menu. You’ll usually see an option labeled “Coming Soon” or similar.

Customize your page with engaging visuals and compelling text. Most plugins allow you to add logos, background images, and subscription forms easily.

Don’t forget to configure visibility settings so that only visitors see this temporary page while you work behind the scenes.

After setting everything up, click save or publish. Your visitors will now encounter your captivating coming soon message as they await the full launch of your website!

Plz use a Plugin for Coming Soon

Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode


Creating a coming soon page is an effective way to build anticipation for your website or product launch. It allows you to keep visitors informed while you prepare the final touches behind the scenes. By following the step-by-step guide provided, adding a coming soon page to WordPress can be seamless and straightforward.

This simple addition not only enhances user engagement but also helps in gathering leads if you choose to include a subscription option. As your audience grows, so does their excitement for what’s next. With just a few clicks, you’re set up for success before your official launch.

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