Best Advanced Angular Course

The pk Institute offers a comprehensive Angular training course designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to build modern, responsive web applications using the popular Angular framework. Over the course of 40 hours of instruction and hands-on labs, students will learn Angular fundamentals such as component-based architecture, two-way data binding, routing, and dependency injection. The curriculum also covers advanced topics like reactive programming with RxJS, state management with NgRx, and techniques for optimizing Angular applications for performance. Participants will gain practical experience by building several Angular projects from scratch, including a feature-rich e-commerce application. Upon completion, students will have the expertise to develop production-ready Angular apps and the confidence to pursue Angular developer roles. The course is led by industry experts and includes access to a variety of online resources for continued learning. Seats are limited, so interested learners are encouraged to enroll early. Best Advanced Angular Course

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Best Advanced Angular Course Outline

  • Angular Essentials
    • Semantic versioning and release schedule
    • Angular CLI
    • Environments config
    • CLI: ng update, ng add and schematics
  • Modules and Build Process
    • Modules and ngModule
    • Module architecture: Feature modules
    • Module architecture: Shared module
    • Angular builds: AOT vs JIT – What to use for production
    • Build modes and environments
    • Introduction to Webpack
    • Should we use Webpack directly for custom builds?
  • Components
    • What are components?
    • Template and expressions
    • Passing data to a component with @Input()
    • Practicing with Angular CLI
    • Component architecture best practices
  • Data Bindings
    • One-way data bindings
    • Expressions
    • Two-way data bindings with ngModel
    • Template syntax
    • Template reference variables
  • Directives
    • What are directives for?
    • Different kinds of directives
    • ngFor
    • ngIf
    • ngSwitch
    • ngClass and ngStyle
    • How to create a custom directive?
    • Data bindings in directives
  • Pipes
    • What are pipes for?
    • Pure and Impure pipes
    • How to create our own pipes?
  • Services and Dependency Injection
    • Purpose of services
    • Dependency injection in Angular
    • Injector Tree
    • Decorators for dependency injection: @Optional(), @Host(), @Self()
    • How to create a service?
  • HTTP Client and Asynchronous Data
    • How to use the HTTP client?
    • What is a promise?
    • Introduction to RxJS
    • What is an Observable?
    • Writing our own Observable or Promise
    • RxJs operators
    • Examples of RxJs operators: max, merge, filter
    • Async pipe
    • Http Interceptor
    • Websockets in Angular
  • Component Communication and Lifecycle
    • How do components share data?
    • Strategies for component communication
    • @ViewChild() decorator
    • Introduction to the component lifecycle
    • Lifecycle hooks
    • Change detection strategies for performance optimization
  • Component Router
    • What is the component router?
    • Example of the component router in action
    • Child routes and route parameters
    • Guards for authentication and user rights
    • Lazy-loading with feature modules
  • Forms
    • How to handle forms with Angular?
    • Properties provided by Angular to validate forms
    • Template-driven forms and reactive forms
    • Form validation and submission
    • Custom form validator
  • Advanced Projects and Tools
    • Progressive web apps
    • Angular Custom Elements
    • Ivy renderer
    • Angular Material
    • Angular Universal or how to pre-compile on the server
    • Schematics
    • Angular Augury: Debugging Angular apps in Google Chrome
  • Testing Angular Applications
    • How to test Angular applications?
    • Karma and Jasmine
    • End to end tests with Protractor
    • Angular Test Bed
    • Mocking and stubbing with Jasmine and Angular
  • Security in Angular
    • How to prevent Cross-site Scripting attacks (XSS)
    • Best practices and things to avoid
    • Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer
    • Prevent HTTP attacks
    • Security audits of Angular applications
  • State Management and Redux
    • What is state management?
    • Redux: Core concepts and principles
    • Redux Store
    • NgRx: Redux for Angular
    • NgRx: Reducer, Store, Actions and Effects

Angular is a free, client-side toolkit designed for creating single-page websites and applications for both desktop and mobile devices. It is a comprehensive JavaScript framework built on TypeScript, designed to work across various platforms and maintain a consistent and clean code structure throughout its development. Angular serves as a comprehensive platform for developing web applications quickly, enhancing the efficiency of web page rendering by minimizing interactions with servers. It provides a complete suite of features, including routing, state management, form validation, dependency injection, and declarative templates. Angular provides ready-to-use functionality and simplifies updates, along with a wide range of pre-built components. The TypeScript foundation includes high-quality code that simplifies the debugging process and facilitates collaboration among developers across different platforms, resulting in less code and less disruption.

Angular is a sophisticated software that includes various libraries and works across different platforms, meaning it might require some time to grasp its extensive capabilities. The ease of learning Angular varies based on your prior experience with web development and your understanding of the programming languages utilized in the Angular framework. For newcomers to Angular, it’s beneficial to have a basic understanding of web design principles and the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. Additionally, knowing about the other programming languages within the Angular framework, such as basic HTML and CSS, as well as ECMAScript6, or ES6, a comprehensive programming language aimed at ensuring web pages are compatible across the web, is advantageous. Understanding TypeScript, a more advanced version of JavaScript, which serves as the foundation for Angular, can also simplify the learning process, especially if you’re already familiar with JavaScript, which is the primary language of ES6 and Angular. Best Advanced Angular Course

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