Best Online Course to Learn Web Development

A web development course provides comprehensive training in the skills and technologies required to design, build, and maintain dynamic, functional websites and web applications. The curriculum typically covers the fundamentals of front-end development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which form the building blocks of web page structure, styling, and interactivity. Students also learn server-side programming languages like PHP, Ruby, or Python, as well as database management using SQL. Depending on the course’s scope, instruction may delve into more advanced topics such as responsive design, single page applications, content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, and the incorporation of APIs and third-party services. Throughout the program, participants gain hands-on experience with industry-standard web development tools, frameworks, and workflows, such as version control systems, task runners, and deployment methods. By the end of the course, students will have developed a portfolio of web projects that demonstrate their ability to architect, code, and deploy professional-quality websites and web apps. Successful completion of a web development course equips individuals with the skills necessary to pursue careers as front-end developers, back-end developers, full-stack developers, or freelance web designers. Best Online Course to Learn Web Development

Brief Contents

  • Introduction Web Development, HTML, HTML5 & IDEs
  • Basics of HTML & CSS and HTML Headings, Paragraphs & Images
  • HTML Text Formatting, Links, Entities and Inline vs Block Level Elements
  • HTML Lists: Unordered List, Ordered List and Description List
  • iframe to Display Web-Pages from other Websites on your Website
  • Detailed Overview of HTML5 and HTML5 Semantic Elements
  • Using Audios and Videos on Websites using HTML5 Elements
  • Creating Forms to Collect Data from Users using HTML5 & CSS3
  • Creating and Using CSS Styles: Inline CSS, Internal CSS & External CSS
  • Using CSS3 Styles with div, p, span etc. for Creating Beautiful Web Pages
  • CSS3 Box-Model: Padding, Margin, Outline, Border, Background
  • CSS3 Floating, Positioning, Overflow, Image-Opacity and Image-Sprites
  • CSS3 Media Queries in Detail & Creating fully Responsive Web Pages
  • Introduction to BootStrap 4 and BootStrap 4 Grid System in Detail
  • BootStrap 4 Typography, Tables, Images, Thumbnails and Buttons
  • BootStrap 4 for Creating Elegant Forms for Collecting User Data
  • BootStrap 4 Jumbotron, Tooltips, Popovers, Alerts, Spinners & Badges
  • BootStrap 4: Navs, Navbars, Menus, Tabs, Dropdown and Collapse
  • BootStrap 4 Pagination, Modals, Cards, Image Carousel and Scrollspy
  • JavaScript Statements, Expressions, Conditions and Loops
  • JavaScript Objects, Functions, Arrays and Events
  • Working with Numbers, Strings, and Dates in JavaScript
  • Testing and Debug a JavaScript Applications
  • Create object-oriented JavaScript applications
  • Using Regular Expressions, Handling Exceptions and Validating Data
  • Events, Images, and Timers, Closures, Callbacks and Recursion
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in JavaScript Applications
  • Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements with jQuery
  • Using jQuery for Event Handling, Basic Animations and Effects
  • jQuery AJAX Calls ( load(), get(), post(), ajax(), getJSON(), getScript() )
  • Handling Responses of AJAX Call in Plain Text, HTML and JSON format
  • Consuming REST Services / REST API using AJAX and JSON
  • Essentials of Angular for Creating Modern Web Applications
  • Testing, Debugging & Publishing Website to a Commercial Server

What is Web development?

Web development involves the creation and upkeep of websites and online applications. Developers in this field can engage with various aspects such as database management, backend programming, and frontend programming.

Web development encompasses the range of activities and technologies required to build a website, from the simplest, which might be a basic text-based site, to the most complex, which could include interactive features. It can be divided into two main areas: frontend (which runs on the user’s device, using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) and backend (which operates on the server, often dealing with database interactions and frequently using languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP). It’s important to note that web development doesn’t always involve the design phase; its primary focus is on the coding aspect. A web designer creates a layout or blueprint for the site, which is then passed on to a developer. The developer then translates this design into code.

Many web developers earn a degree or certification in their area of expertise. Yet, the majority of positions don’t demand a particular degree or educational background, as long as you can prove your understanding of the subject. Therefore, it’s crucial to know how to effectively showcase your abilities. You can do this by emphasizing your skills through relevant work experience or a collection of previous projects. Additionally, you might post your own code on platforms such as GitHub or engage in problem-solving communities like StackOverflow, where you can earn points for assisting others. Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the initial three programming languages you should master to enter the field of web development. These three fundamental skills are necessary for creating contemporary websites and for roles as frontend web developers. HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) outlines the website’s content and forms the foundation. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to format the content. JavaScript manages the interactive features of the website.

The solution to this query hinges on your efforts. The more effort you invest in honing your abilities, the quicker you’ll master web development. The positive aspect is that web development typically employs simple, easy-to-learn programming languages. With commitment, you can grasp the fundamentals of web development in just a few months. However, the most proficient web developers are those who continue to learn. A more pertinent question could be, “How can I enhance my web development skills more rapidly?” The response to this query lies in practice. Getting acquainted with programming is crucial, but there’s an additional, less apparent advantage to practicing. The more you code, the more likely you’ll encounter issues or discover errors in your code. A key part of web development is troubleshooting and fixing code issues. The more adept you become at identifying and resolving these issues, the quicker you’ll improve your coding skills.

What is full-stack web development?

A full-stack developer is an individual who operates on different aspects of web development. They write and create applications for both the front-end and back-end, managing the necessary tools and programming languages for each.

Which course is best for web development?

The solution to this query hinges on your present grasp of the subject. If you’re unfamiliar with coding, it could be beneficial to begin with a basic course on web coding. On the other hand, if you’re already acquainted with the basics, you might prefer a course that focuses on a specific coding language for web development. Best Online Course to Learn Web Development

How to become a Web Developer

The educational needs for web developers differ depending on the company, your specific job duties, and additional factors. A lot of web developers have a bachelor’s degree, with some companies preferring candidates who have a degree in computer science, data science, or programming. For those aiming for a higher position or focusing on certain technologies, earning a master’s degree in data science could make them stand out in the job market. However, web developers might not be required to have certain educational qualifications if they can show their skills through previous work experience or projects.

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