How to Change Font Size WordPress

In WordPress, changing font sizes is a simple process. You can adjust the font size directly from the post editor by selecting the text you want to modify and using the toolbar options to increase or decrease the font size.

This allows you to easily customize the appearance of your content without needing to delve into complex coding or design settings. How to Change Font Size WordPress

How to Change the Font Size Using Headings

How To Change The Font Size In A WordPress Post or Page?

Looking for an effortless method to adjust the font size with headings? This approach is perfect for you.

Incorporating headings into your content is an effective strategy to capture the reader’s attention with a larger font size.

Most WordPress themes feature headings in a bigger font than the standard text, enabling you to divide your content into sections.

Headings also play a crucial role in enhancing your website’s SEO, as search engines prioritize well-formatted headings over regular paragraph text.

Here’s how to add a heading in the default WordPress block editor:

1. Open a new post or page in the WordPress block editor.

2. Once you’re there, click the ‘Add Block’ (+) button at the top left of the screen to access the block menu.

3. Locate and insert the Heading block into your page or post.

By default, the block will be set to Heading 2.

If you’re adding a sub-heading, it’s advisable to choose the ‘Heading 2’ option.

However, if you wish to alter this, simply click on the ‘H2’ drop-down menu to select a different size.

Change heading size

Alternatively, you can adjust the heading size using the block settings on the right toolbar of the screen.

You can also personalize the heading’s color, style, case, and more.

Once you’re finished, remember to click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes.

Heading settings

How to Add a Heading in the Old Classic Editor

If you’re still utilizing the old classic editor in WordPress, you can add headings by selecting the text you wish to turn into a heading with your mouse.

Next, click the ‘Paragraph’ dropdown menu in the top left corner and choose your desired heading size. You’ve successfully adjusted the font size to a heading.

However, it’s important to note that the classic editor doesn’t support changing the sizes or colors of various heading styles.

If you need to make these adjustments, you’ll have to modify your theme’s stylesheet (style.css).

Finally, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to save your changes. How to Change Font Size WordPress

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