What’s the Best YouTube Channel to Learn WordPress?

WPBeginner is a popular YouTube channel for learning WordPress. It offers easy-to-follow tutorials and guides for beginners, making it a great resource for those new to WordPress. What’s the Best YouTube Channel to Learn WordPress?

WPBeginner provides valuable insights and tips for individuals looking to enhance their WordPress skills. With a wide range of topics covered, from setting up a website to optimizing it for performance and security, WPBeginner caters to both novice users and experienced developers alike. By simplifying complex concepts and offering step-by-step guidance, WPBeginner has established itself as a go-to source for WordPress education and support.

1. Let’s Build WP

Best WordPress YouTube Channels

With more than 17k subscribers, Let’s Build WP must put out some good content. You get access to really good, quick tutorials on how to perform basic tasks on WordPress (such as uploading zipped themes) to much more advanced topics like installing multiple instances of the CMS. Check it out, and you just might learn something.

2. WebTegrity

Best WordPress YouTube Channels

You know you want to be one of the 28,000 subscribers to this #WordPressWednesday channel. While the channel puts out massive amounts of tutorials, part of the draw here is the coverage of other topics such as verifying Facebook business pages. Those kinds of topics are adjacent to WordPress, and we all have to deal with them. So it’s a good thing these kinds of channels exist.

3. WP Beginner

Best WordPress YouTube Channels

If you’ve ever Googled a problem you’ve had with WordPress, there’s a good chance you’ve run across WP Beginner. This is that same kind of easy-to-follow content, just in video form. It’s well polished and put together. Press play and learn something, even if you’re not a beginner. I want to say 106k people can’t be wrong…but they can. Just not on this. I promise

Do you have enough WordPress YouTube channels? That’s just the beginning when it comes to the variety of content available on YouTube about WordPress. However, these channels are among the top picks for beginners. By subscribing to these channels, you’ll find yourself in an excellent position as a WordPress user, designer, and developer. If you’re in search of content related to Divi, we’ve put together a post that showcases YouTube channels dedicated to Divi as well! Enjoy!

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